The Myron and Mitchell Dale Production Fund

Thank you to everyone who have made the Fund such a success (click here for a list of our inaugural donorshere for 2013-2014, here for 2014-2015, here for 2015-2016here for 2016-2017, and here for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 once we get them compiled)!  But our work is not, and never will be finished. Click here to contribute to our current drive (2019-2022 (pandemic, you know)!

(If you wish to contribute by check, you can download a printable donation form here.)

About Myron and Mitchell Dale


Mitch.jpgMyron Dale (left) was the producer of (and a chorister in) the very first Trial by Jury performed by the Georgetown Gilbert & Sullivan Society.  His brother Mitchell (right) quickly joined him as a producer they both participated in many more after that.  There is no doubt that this first show, and all that came after it, would never have happened without their heroic efforts.

Myron was taken from us, much too soon, in 2010 due to complications of Parkinson’s disease.  Mitchell left us in 2014, again far too soon.  We have established this Fund, in their honor, to support the productions of the Georgetown Gilbert & Sullivan Society that, over 40 years later, their dedication made possible.

About the Fund

The Myron and Mitchell Dale Production Fund (the “Fund”) is a project of the GG&SS Alumni Foundation (the “Foundation”) supporting the costs of theatrical productions by the Georgetown Gilbert & Sullivan Society (the “Society”).  The Fund is not intended to underwrite general operating expenses of the Society, but to supplement the production budget for its mainstage shows, currently a fall play and a spring musical.  Please click here for a list of our inaugural donorshere for 2013-2014here for 2014-2015, here for 2015-2016here for 2016-2017, and here for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 once we get them compiled.

Mechanics of Distributions
(the fine print -- because many of us are lawyers and wonder about these things)

On or around August 1 of each year, the Foundation will allocate 10% of the value of the Fund, as of June 30 of that year (except in 2019, when the deadline was extended to July 31), for donation to the Society; this donation shall be capped at a maximum of $7,500.  The amount of the pending donation shall be communicated to the Board of the Society no later than August 15 of each year.  The donation shall be conveyed to the Society no later than October 31 of each year.

Should the Fund be valued at $107,501 or more as of June 30 of any year, the Foundation, in consultation with the Board of the Society will consider the creation of an Endowment within Georgetown University that benefits the Society.  If it is determined that an Endowment is not in the interests of the Society at that point, the $7,500 cap on distributions shall be lifted.

To contribute to the fund, click here.

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