600 New Jersey Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
United States
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We can't wait to see you at the 45th Anniversary! Please fill out the fields below to purchase tickets for the show & reception, brunch, or everything at once. We've planned the following events, with all formal events occurring at Georgetown University Law Center:
- Informal, off-campus gatherings (information to come) the evening of April 6. No ticket required.
- A (free) family-friendly, potluck-style picnic on the clock tower quad (south of McDonough) at noon on April 7. Almost completely free ($0.02) ticket required.
- A (free) staged reading of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy at 2:30pm on April 7 (ending no later than 5pm) in Hart Auditorium (formerly known as the Moot Courtroom). Almost completely free ($0.02) ticket required.
- GG&SS's Ruddigore at 7pm on April 7 in Hart Auditorium (formerly known as the Moot Courtroom). Ticket required.
- The Gala Reception following the show at around 9:30pm on April 7 in the Sports/Fitness Lobby. Ticket required.
- A Brunch & Singalong, with a piano (and available sheet music), at 11am on April 8 in Gewirz 12 . Ticket required (children under 12 need the $0.02 tickets).
(PLEASE NOTE: We're offering discounted tickets for anyone for whom the full price would be a financial hardship (but, please, if you have that big firm job or even just a double income government salary, help us subsidize those who don't by paying full price or, if you're feeling extra generous, by becoming a sponsor or co-chair). If even the discounted prices are too much for a you, please drop us a note via the contact page and we'll work something out. We won't let cost be a barrier to anyone joining us for the celebration and all such inquiries will be kept strictly confidential!)