Dale Fund 2018-2019 Fundraising Drive
$10,325.00 raisedGOAL: $10,000.00The Myron and Mitchell Dale Production Fund supports the production budget of the Georgetown Gilbert & Sullivan Society. The Fund operates on a "fiscal year" of July 1 - June 30 and distributes 10% of its account balance as of the end of that "year" each fall. Please click here for a list of our inaugural donors, here for 2013-2014, here for 2014-2015, here for 2015-2016, here for 2016-2017, and here for 2017-2018 once we get it compiled. Don't you want to see your name on the 2018-2019 list next year?
(The Dale Fund is a project of the GG&SS Alumni Foundation, which is a is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and all contributions are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.)
Light Board
$5,597.00 raisedGOAL: $5,200.00The current GG&SS light board was purchased in 1998 and while it has served the group well (48 shows!!), it is reaching the end of its technological and physical effectiveness. Not only is it slowly failing, but the instruments it is being ask to control were not even conceived of when it was designed in the mid '80s (yes, almost 30 years ago). Mechanical irises, moving mirrors, and LED color changers have pushed the board to the outermost limit of its capabilities. It has reached a point where it is not only impacting not only our lighting designers (who have to spend more and more time simply writing cues) but is materially -- and negatively -- impacting our poor casts during tech rehearsals as they wait while the lighting designer and board op cycle manually through color and focus options that take several menu changes and dozens of key strokes, but can be done with a single click of a mouse on a modern board.
Can you spare something to get GG&SS' light board into the 21st Century? To save a cast from interminable holds during tech rehearsal?
The board served us for 48 shows. Could you chip in $48 ($1 for each of those shows)? $1 for each show you did (even if it came before we got the current light board)?
We reached our initial goal and have purchased the board. However, we'd really love to get a storage case ($550 + shipping), keyboard & trackball ($40), and a couple of monitors (touchscreen would let us really take advantage of the new tech and shave even more time off tech) and cables. If you have not yet contributed, please do. Your donation will not go to waste.
Dale Fund 2014 Campaign
$7,555.00 raisedGOAL: $6,000.00The Myron L. Dale Production Fund supports the production budget of the Georgetown Gilbert & Sullivan Society.
(The Dale Fund is a project of the GG&SS Alumni Foundation, which has applied for tax exemption. If and when the application is approved, all donations after the date of incorporation (2/14/13) will be tax deductible. If you wish to contribute by check, you can download a printable donation form here.)
40th Anniversary Tickets
So glad that you will be able to join us for the 40th. Purchase your tickets below and we'll see you in April!