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If you have a question about the Foundation, GG&SS, or most anything else you think we can answer, please drop us a line!
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We'd love to be able to keep in touch... please sign up here to make sure we can reach you for the 50th Anniversary and beyond!
Dale Fund 2018-2019 Fundraising Drive
$10,325.00 raisedGOAL: $10,000.00The Myron and Mitchell Dale Production Fund supports the production budget of the Georgetown Gilbert & Sullivan Society. The Fund operates on a "fiscal year" of July 1 - June 30 and distributes 10% of its account balance as of the end of that "year" each fall. Please click here for a list of our inaugural donors, here for 2013-2014, here for 2014-2015, here for 2015-2016, here for 2016-2017, and here for 2017-2018 once we get it compiled. Don't you want to see your name on the 2018-2019 list next year?
(The Dale Fund is a project of the GG&SS Alumni Foundation, which is a is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and all contributions are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.)